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Circuit Zolder is a F1 car race festival in Limburg, BE.

We went to the festival, visited the area and experienced the rush of witnessing a race. We were instructed to create a stand for the race, in which we could promote a certain brand, sell drinks or distribute flyers etc. I started analyzing all the aspects of the race including the shapes. I found inspiration in the racing helmet. The shape of the helmet exuded speed, interaction and excitement. With this as inspiration, I created a kind of mobile car, like a cap, which could be opened and closed. Coca Cola was the brand I based myself on; the color red is often linked to excitement, passion and adrenaline: all elements that are being experienced during the race. I put a furniture in I that was multifunctional; I placed it on the wheel which was connected through a metal profile in-between. This allowed it to rotate and become a bar. It can also be opened thus becoming a bed. The user can use it as a tent by night, or can move it by towing it behind his car.

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